皇宫 U21 队将在季前友谊赛中迎战 QPR 发展队

皇宫 U21 队将在季前友谊赛中迎战 QPR 发展队

This is the third of three confirmed fixtures for Darren Powell's U21s side as they return to action for the new campaign.The Premier League International Cup winners will face local side Dulwich Hamlet and Larne FC in a Testimonial for former player Jeff Hughes, while also welcoming the Rs to Copers Cope.QPR's Development Squad compete in the Professional Development League 2, the second tier of U21s level football. They finished fourth in 2023/24, behind Bournemouth, Swansea and Millwall.Further details regarding the streaming of this fixture will be released in due course on cpfc.co.uk and our social media channels.

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