拉扬·班巴 (Rayan Bamba) 签署第一份职业合同

拉扬·班巴 (Rayan Bamba) 签署第一份职业合同

Rayan Bamba 于 2021 年 7 月从 Montrouge FC 92 加盟,继续在 U19 队训练,并于次年加入预备队。他是 22/23 赛季甘巴德拉冒险队的一员,当时 U18 队进入了比赛的半决赛。这位速度快、力量大的球员上赛季代表预备队参加了21场比赛(1个进球、3次助攻)。

Rayan Bamba :« I'm very happy, and I'd like to thank my family for their support and the club for allowing me to sign my professional contract. I'd also like to thank all the people who helped me develop at the Academy. It's a step forward, but you can't rest on your laurels. I've been lucky enough to go up to the pros' training sessions on a regular basis. I've also had the opportunity to discover the professional world, with call-ups for matches at Strasbourg and Nantes, it was a joy and I hope to experience it more often. I'm going to have to fight to keep getting called up. »Olivier Cloarec, Executive Chair and Managing Director​ : « Rayan is an important player in the Pro2 group who has made great progress since joining our Academy. He has really got into the swing of things, and this first contract is a reward for his efforts, his commitment and the excellent support he has received from his coaches and the staff at the Academy and ETP Odorico. We wish him every success for the coming seasons. »Pierre-Emmanuel Bourdeau, reserve team coach :« He has developed well as a right-back, he has the athleticism for the position, he can repeat efforts, he is powerful and he moves quickly. He's built up a culture of play and tactics, even if there's still room for improvement over the next few years. May the future bring out the best in him! »

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