三狮军团在我们的现场表演中出发前往 2024 年欧洲杯

三狮军团在我们的现场表演中出发前往 2024 年欧洲杯

在圣乔治公园举行盛大的送别仪式后,英格兰队的球员和工作人员已启程前往德国参加 2024 年欧洲杯。在我们的 YouTube、Instagram 和 X 频道的现场表演中,数百名学童将三狮军团送至机场。 乔什·丹泽尔(Josh Denzel)和吉尔·斯科特(Jill Scott)负责整个过程,球员和主教练加雷斯·索斯盖特(Gareth Southgate)签名并透露了他们对参加比赛有多么兴奋。

Captain Harry Kane admitted he can't wait to get started, saying: "The tournaments come around so quickly. It's that time of year and I'm excited. The Golden Boot and the trophy would obviously be the perfect combination but if I didn't score and we bring it home that's all that matters. That's the aim. We want to get over the line. We've come close before and there's a lot of hard work to do but that's the aim."Declan Rice told Josh he is equally as enthusiastic about the competition and was hugely appreciative of the reception.He said: "We can't take this for granted, playing at a major tournament for our country. It starts to feel real now. You can have all the build up in the world but when you know you're travelling, it's proper now."We want to make history but genuinely we have a group and a manager that really believes. We have a confidence we can do something really special. That's the key, hard work and togetherness, so stick with us and let's see what happens."

Kobbie Mainoo is preparing for his first major tournament after a whirlwind rise to the senior Three Lions squad.And the Manchester United man told Josh that he is still buzzing about his selection.He said: "To get the call-up is what everyone dreams of and now I get to represent England at a major tournament. I was buzzing to get picked. I rang my dad and he was so happy for me. All my family were happy. "It's such a good squad, everyone's really gelled. I'm close with Cole Palmer and Adam Wharton, who's obviously new to the squad as well. I'm friends with everyone really."

Having collected their coffees for the bus from the St George's Coffee Stop under the watchful eye of Jill, Eberechi Eze, Jude Bellingham, Aaron Ramsdale and Luke Shaw also signed autographs and stopped for a chat with Josh about the summer ahead.Every player signed as many shirts and balls as possible before piling onto the bus and departing in front of the noisy crowd.You can watch the show back on all channels – and remember to send your questions in for Lions' Den, the daily show featuring a first-team player beginning live from Germany on Wednesday.

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